Thursday, November 12, 2009

How to Speak English American Style

How to Speak English American Style

Knowing how to speak English American style will help you sound like a native speaker. You can lose your accent quickly by immersing yourself in the American culture and language. Move to an English speaking culture in American and start practicing your new language immediately and all day long.

LIVE IN AN ENGLISH SPEAKING CULTURE - Move to an English speaking culture in America. You will need to completely immerse yourself into the culture to truly learn the language and accent and to lose your accent. You can move to America or an American colony such as Puerto Rico or Guam.

WORK IN AN ENGLISH SPEAKING ENVIRONMENT - Take a job in your new culture to surround yourself with English speakers. You will be forced to speak in English all day long. You will need to learn to troubleshoot and problem solve in your new language.

TAKE CLASSES IN LEARNING TO SPEAK ENGLISH - Take an English as a second Language class (ESL) to help you learn to speak English. You can find an ESL class at the local community college.

TAKE RECREATIONAL CLASSES GIVEN IN ENGLISH - Take other classes in the community for fun or recreation that are given in English. You can take classes such as arts, crafts, cooking, business, etc. It will help you tremendously in your efforts to learn a new language.
Knowing how to speak English American style will help you to fit into American culture.

BE SOCIAL - Make friends and practice speaking in English with them daily. Talk to everyone you see each day to practice your new accent.
If you need additional help on speaking English, please look in Resources below. Knowing how to speak English American style will make you indistinguishable from other Americans.

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