And the always needed $500,000 for a Senate "pilot program" to defray the cost of mass-mail postcards notifying constituents of town-hall meetings.
They just do not get it. Congress has not figured out that we are out of money. There is no money left for goofing around like this. We need to stick to the things that are important. Our schools (which were not very good from the start) are firing teachers. The ones with the lowest tenure not the worst ones of course.
Americans are being forced to tighten their belts, it is time for the American Government to tighten its belt.
What happened to all of the promises to cut pork during the election?
I guess it was just a lot of hot air like everything else we heard from Obama.
Liberals are like giving candy to a baby. Obama gives them a lollipop and they do whatever he wants. Obama loves pork because it is an easy way to pay back the people that do what he wants.